The Committee gives Notice that the ninth Annual General Meeting of the MarshLink Action Group is called for:

Friday 15th March 2013

at 7.15pm

in Rye Town Hall, Market Street, Rye, East Sussex

The AGENDA of the Annual General Meeting will be as follows:

  1. Welcome and introductions
  2. Apologies for absence
  3. Approval of Minutes of the last AGM held on 14 March 2012
  4. Chairman’s report (attached)
  5. Treasurer’s report
  6. Nominations for the Committee
  7. Elections to the Committee
  8. Any other business and conclusion of formal AGM

Following the formal Annual General Meeting there will be presentations and Q&A sessions with:

Amber Rudd, MP 

–          Paul Wyborn, Area Manager    for East Coastway, Southern Railway


Please note this is meeting is open to members of the public and all are welcome.
However if you support our aims please take this opportunity to become a member.
There will be someone to take your subscription on hand.
